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News > EU Excise duty 2023 – Selling alcohol in the EU

EU Excise duty 2023 – Selling alcohol in the EU



10.30 - 12.00 o’clock



We are pleased to invite you to a webinar of the European Excise Association, of which we are a member since 2023:

On February 13th, 2023 provisions regarding the intra-community circulation of alcoholic beverages, both B2B and B2C, came into force. These changes are imposed by Directive 2020/262, and oblige each Member State to transpose them into their own internal regulations.

We invite you to this session, on March 3rd from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (CET), organized by the
European Excise Association in collaboration with the European Commission, in which we will learn about the most relevant aspects to take into account:

  • Main changes introduced by Directive (EU) 2020/262.
  • The impact on the B2B intra-community trade of alcoholic beverages.
  • Evolution in B2C intra-community trade (distance sales).
  • Specificities in different Member States: how has the Directive been transposed.
  • Other modifications entering into force regarding excise.

The webinar will count on the collaboration of the following speakers:

  • Mr. Xavier Just – Policy Officer. Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union. EU Commission.
  • Ms. Marcie Reyno-Dalle – President of the European Excise Association & CEO of Fiscalead.
  • Mr. Víctor Guarch – Vice President of the European Excise Association & Legal Director of Arola Legal.
  • Ms. Alexandra Louyot – Board Member of the EEA, Associate Director of Fiscalead.
  • Mr. Stefan Plaisier – Representative of the EEA for The Netherlands, Manager at NBK BV.
  • Mr. Fausto Di Carlo – Representative of the EEA for Italy, Excise Duty Expert at Excise System.

You can obtain more information and register through this link: https://bit.ly/3KbKRJT

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