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Our clients > Independent professionals | Physicians | Lawyers

A committed partner for physicians and independent professionals

The provision of tax advice to physicians, civil engineers and other independent professionals has a long tradition at LeitnerLeitner. This role requires extensive knowledge of the special tax rules as well as in-depth industry know-how.

As independent professionals, we are very familiar with the particulars of your situation. Our experts have assisted all types of medical specialists and independent professionals with their personal challenges for many years. Our specialised teams provide consistent contacts and fast response times: from advice on entering the profession and establishing sole practitioner or group practices, or partnerships, to tax-optimal succession planning and exits. We develop reliable, sustainable and flexible concepts, provide certainty for audits and protect you against undesirable surprises – so you can concentrate on your challenging profession.

Our services

  • Preparation of profit calculation, cash basis accounting/tax returns
  • Optimisation of your tax and social security environment
  • Bookkeeping and individual business analysis
  • On-going, reliable payroll accounting
  • Planning, liquidity and profitability calculations
  • Selection of optimal legal form for tax purposes for new law firms/practices
  • Structuring of group practices and forms of medical cooperations
  • Support with succession planning or the addition of new partners
  • Solving valuation issues when practice/law firm is sold
  • Development and implementation of participation models
  • Personal tax advice (capital investments, refund of foreign withholding taxes, real estate investments)
  • Advice for subsidies and preferential treatment for investments
  • We for you
  • Lothar Egger
    Tax Advisor | Partner | Shareholder
  • Sigrid Fried
    Tax Advisor | Director
  • Silvia Hofer
    Auditor | Tax Advisor | Partner
  • Martin Mang
    Auditor | Tax Advisor | Partner | Shareholder
  • Johannes Prillinger
    Tax Advisor | Partner
  • Sabine Ritschel
    Tax Advisor | Manager
  • Magdalena Schatz-Gruber
    Tax Advisor | Manager
Let's get in touch!