Digitalisation in accounting - an opportunity for all companies
While digitalisation is changing the business world, it also offers a lot of potential when it comes to accounting. New approaches combined with innovative solutions make it possible to raise processes to an entirely new level with regard to transparency, efficiency and flexibility. But even though speed and innovation are important factors, it is also important to keep an eye on security and legal compliance.
Using the digital accounting systems of the next generation, companies can establish robust structures that are flexible enough to handle the current challenges across all departments and divisions, and which create a stable foundation for future developments.
Using our extensive experience (LeitnerLeitner is a certified BMD advisor), and working closely with our experts from the “IT, Digital and Compliance Services” department, we are your partner when it comes to implementing tailored digital solutions. Regardless of the starting situation or the specific requirements of the existing software, we provide competent advice and practical assistance for all accounting-related issues.
Our services
- Support with the identification and prioritisation of possible digitalisation potentials (digital use case analysis)
- Development of a strategy and transformation concept for “digital accounting systems”
- Conceptualisation and support with implementing operational digtalisation projects in various business divisions (digital workflows, electronic invoicing, electronic archiving etc.)
- Process optimisations and control automation to improve efficiency and security (efficiency of processes and reduction of redundancies, minimisation of system breaks and interfaces, protections for payment processes etc.)
- Support with project management (project coaching, project management, project assistance, project controlling etc.) as well as quality assurance and requirements/effectiveness analyses
- Implementation of automatic UID number checks
- On-site support with BMD implementation and the optimisation of your accounting-related processes and settings